Get Your Measurements
You will need
- An old stainless steel or non reactive pot with lid
- Steamer tray (to sit your romper on)
- Remember to keep your cooking pots & dyeing pots & utensils separate, don't mix them.
- Small mixing vessel
- Mixing spoon
- Bucket
- Rubber Gloves (& face mask if you desire)
- Wooden spoon
- Tongs
- Any extra flowers from personal stocks
Fill a bucket with hot water to soak your romper overnight.
Tannins are needed on cellulose fibres only in preparation for absorption in the mordanting process (step 3).
For lighter shades we recommend preparing your fibre with the either Myrobalan or Gallnut as a tannin and you can use either Powder or Extract versions. For darker shades we recommend using either Cutch or Walnut and again, powder or extracts work.
Recommended is usually 8 - 15% WOF so we go with 10%. Remember that tannins are also dyes so the tannin you select will affect your dye result.
In our kit we have provided Myrobalan as the tannin, a very reliable traditional tannin with a slightly warm tone.
You will need :
- Large stainless steel or enamel pot/vat
- Tannin 10% WOF
- Small mixing spoon
- Large wooden spoon
Instructions :
Squeeze out your overnight soaked romper.
Dissolve tannin with hot water in small vessel with spoon.
Fill large pot (enough water to cover your romper) and bring water to 60-65 degrees.
When hot add tannin to mix and stir with large wooden spoon.
Add romper constantly submerging it below the water and removing air bubbles.
Leave romper submerged and continue to rotate below water line for 60mins.
Allow to cool before removing romper and rinse in clean water.
Proceed to mordanting today or leave to dry.
Note : Tannin bath can be re-used so if you have the pots and the space label this and set aside for next time.
Step 4 - DYEING
Now your romper is ready to dye!
We have included 3 different dye powders - Marigold gives golds and yellows, Madder gives reds and mixed with marigold gorgeous burnt oranges and cutch gives soft delicate browns. We have also added some dried flowers you might like to sprinkle on as well to see what nature creates for you.
You will need :
- Large stainless steel or enamel pot/vat
- Dyes
- Tongs
Instructions :
Lay out your romper adding desired dye colours and decorating with flowers.
Tightly roll up romper and tie up with jute string.
Cover the base of large pot with hot water from tap and add steaming rack. Place your tied up romper on steaming rack.
Put lid on pot and bring to boil.
Once boiled leave sit for 45mins, turning romper with tongs during time ensuring water is still covering base.
Leave to cool in pot before unwinding. Shake off excess flowers and leave to hang dry.
When dry, lightly steam iron and wash with clean water & natural detergent.
Note : Compost flowers and jute.
STEP 5 - CARE following Dye Process
Rinse your dyed fibre and leave to hang dry.
Ongoing care of your natural dye cloth:
Naturally dyed fabric is pre-treated with a mordant which creates the capacity for dye particles to adhere to the fibres. Once khadi has been mordanted it can be redyed several times throughout its life. Throughout the creation of your piece we have given the utmost care and attention to every stage of its production to ensure you are receiving a beautiful, quality product.
If you are new to wearing/using natural fibre you will be amazed! It breathes unlike synthetic fibres, so you will find washing doesn’t need to be done after each wear. Like all colour pigment, natural or synthetic, it can fade.
Here are some tips on how to reduce this happening:
- Launder with a neutral PH detergent, or as close to neutral as possible
- Rinse clothing thoroughly after washing to remove any excess detergent
- Never hang item to dry in direct sunlight, dry in shade
- Clothing really doesn’t need washing after each wear. After wearing if given a good shake and hung up it will be fine for quite a few wears. Often hanging out on a hanger in the shade can be enough to freshen your garment.
- Definitely no bleach, wool wash or stain remover please!
- It is advisable to wash separately for the first couple of washes just in case there is a colour run off. When we wash items we wash until a clear water run off occurs but occasionally residual colour can run in first washes.
- Avoid soaking in water for long period of time
You will also notice that your khadi gets better with each wear, it softens and gets more and more comfortable.
Naturally dyed fabrics colour can soften, enjoy its life and then it can be redyed very easily.
It is advised to wear a mask when weighing out and mixing dyes, fine to remove once dye is in liquid form.
Rubber gloves are recommended when hands go into water with minerals such as Alum, Alum acetate, Iron, Calcium carbonate, Soda Ash.
In regard to the disposal of what you will be using it will be safe to empty onto your garden as there will be an exhausted quantity of alum left in the water. All mordant and tannin baths can be reused with a minimal top up so no need to dispose of after each use, exhaust your baths as much as possible. If uncertain when disposing test the PH level, you are aiming for the neutral zone close to 7.
Instructions by Fabric of Humanity.